Sexual Assault

A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words

Somehow I missed this when it was held in May, but thankfully there’s an archived presentation: Vera Institute’s Center on Victimization and Safety has an archived webinar available on helping patients with disabilities understand the sexual assault medical-forensic exam. A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words is available for viewing; I haven’t reviewed it yet, but it looks like a pretty invaluable contribution to the discussion around promising practices. Click through for details:

From the site:

This is the recording for the May 21, 2014 webinar “A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words: Picture Tools to Support the Forensic Exam Process for Survivors with Disabilities” by Shirley Paceley and Teresa Tudor.  In this webinar Shirley and Teresa discussed the “Picture Guide to the Exam after Sexual Assault” that was developed as a part of the Illinois Imagines project to support survivors with disabilities during the forensic exam. Shirley and Teresa discussed how many women with disabilities have not had access to gynecological care in the past, and the pelvic exam provided with the healthcare exam and evidence collection process may be her first. Causing added stress, fear, and additional trauma to an already overwhelming experience. The webinar featured the three sets of pictorial guides and support materials that were developed by Illinois Images to provide education and support.

Note that this archived edition is only the slide deck, which is a huge bummer. But, there’s still some good stuff here at first glance, so it’s worth your time to download the presentation. {Small rant: come on, Vera–bad enough that it’s hard to find your webinars from your main page; there’s no reason (save audio failure) not to have audio archived, too.}

2 replies on “A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words”


All of the Center on Victimization and Safety’s National Webinars, including this one, are recorded and available for viewing at The recording includes audio and captioning. To access this recording directly, you can go to If the recordings are not working, or you have any difficulty accessing them, please feel free to contact us and we will be sure to send you a copy of the recording. We are also in the process of building a new website, which will hopefully make it much easier to find our webinars.

Take care,
Charity Hope
Project Director
Center on Victimization and Safety
Vera Institute of Justice

Thanks, Charity–I’m always looking for live and archived sessions for FHO readers, so the information is much appreciated.

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