Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 5-11-15

I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother’s Day weekend. Mine was pretty mellow–got to see my spouse for about a minute before she jetted off to Seattle, puttered around my garden, sadly didn’t have any time with my kiddo this time around. I did spend a lot of time Sunday morning combing through the Times, catching up on my Twitter feed and so forth, so here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Incongruity between civilian and military victims?

“You can’t go on and on about how much you support mothers and then fail to support legislation that makes life easier for them.”

Of course

One of our best friends just received a cancer diagnosis, so of course I’m ordering every one of these

Trying to make this not true for mine

Still so much work for all of us

It’s like they know me

Compassion may be a better strategy than toughness

I loved all 3 of their messages


Technology is so cool: