DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Teen Dating Violence

Yesterday, I received an email from a reader looking for materials on teen dating violence. There are several sites addressing this issue right now. One is That’s Not Cool, which does a great job speaking directly to teens about stalking, harassment and violence. There’s also Break the Cycle, which has a boatload of free resources that would be great to have on hand as patient handouts (in English and Spanish), including safety planning workbooks for teens and for college students (PDF). They also publish a report on state laws each year–you can see how your state measures up here (OH gets an F) or download the full report (PDF).

As a resource to provide patients, don’t forget the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline, which includes online materials, live chat, and of course, a phone number for teens to call-in and talk with an advocate live, 24-7.

NCVC did a teen-focused webinar series last year that’s archived and available for free through their Teen Victim Project. While not specific to dating violence, the sessions do address stalking and several other topics that overlap the issue, if you’re looking for continuing education for yourself or your colleagues.

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