Last week, in a comment about the STI Clinical Guide, I was asked about cervical images unrelated to STIs. Having searched a bit, I found a few sites that provide images to review. One of the best was over at the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
The Unaided Visual Inspection of the Cervix “Clinical Downstaging” Picture Atlas provides a variety of photos ranging from healthy cervix to significant pathology, all with accompanying descriptors and treatment recommendations. It may be more than what you’re looking for, but the images are good quality and can provide a reference for non-trauma related presentations. Also check out the related page, The Aided Visual Inspection of the Cervix “Acetic Acid Test” Picture Atlas.
The AIDS Images Library (another Swiss site) also has a good number of cervical images on their site, and these are posted under a Creative Commons license. You must register (free) in order to remove the watermarks from the images and download slides.
As with all things on the Web, please examine terms of use before appropriating for presentations, and always, always, attribution for anything you use.
4 replies on “Cervical Photos”
Thanks Jen
[…] Last week, in a comment about the STI Clinical Guide, I was asked about cervical images unrelated to STIs. Here is the original post: Cervical Photos « Forensic Healthcare Online […]
Air. Diana Faugno and Kathleen Gann had a brief piece in this Spring’s OTE contrasting the foley techniques with the swab technique for visualizing the hymen that has a couple references attached (if you’re looking for support in the literature) as well as a link to purchase NFNI’s foley kits:
Jennifer, Thankyou for all the research you do for a really great resource site. The cervical downloads were very helpful. I have a question in reference to using a balloon to visual the hymen in a child abuse case. Is air ,water, or saline used in this technique to visualize the hymen. Thankyou gayle