RTI, in collaboration with the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center is offering a web-based course: An Overview of DFSA SANE/SAFE/SART Protocol 1 (which means, presumably, there will be at least one more?). The live web course is being offered on 4 different occasions over the next 2 months: 8/18 (sorry–just got this) 3-5 pm ET; 8/24, 8:30-10:30 am ET; 9/1, 8:30-10:30 ET; and 9/2, 3-5 pm ET. 2 CEUs will be available for nurses (for a fee of $30), although the target audience is multidisciplinary. Dr. Pat Speck and Dr. Jeri Ropero-Miller will be the presenters.
From the site:
This module has been developed to examine best practices in victim centered care, establish a common language regarding DFSA among SART members, and document proper evidence collection techniques for DFSA cases. The format of this module is a live, interactive classroom, allowing participants to discuss questions with the presenters and other participants.
You can download the syllabus for the course here (PDF).