
Medscape Odds and Ends

Over at Medscape, there are a few things of interest I thought I’d share. The 1st is from their roundup of the most read nursing articles of 2010. Not surprisingly, the 2nd most read article of the year was this one on nurses and bullying. Not really a big shock, since it continues to be a pervasive issue in the profession.

The next is from the Public Health Clinical Cases this week: LGBTQ Youth. I’m particularly happy to see the section on Homophobia and LGBTQ Health 101, which is a good start to the conversation we should be having as clinicians.

Finally, a CME/CEU offering (and when was the last time I had one up here? Too long for sure.)—ACOG Issues Guidelines on Care for HIV-Infected Women. You can also access the full ACOG publication here. 0.25 credits for docs; 0.5 for nurses upon completion of the post-test.