FVPF has reissued an updated Compendium of State Statutes and Policies on Domestic Violence and Healthcare (PDF). You can view the webinar slides related to the Compendium that took place at the end of September here (PDF).
From the site:
The Compendium is an at-a-glance summary of state laws and regulations relevant to addressing domestic violence in health care settings. It includes new analyses and themes that reflect policy and programmatic changes made in the last decade by leaders in the fields of health care, policy and domestic/sexual violence advocacy.
The Compendium includes an introduction that provides an overview of innovative and promising practice in identified areas, as well as suggestions for amending or creating such state laws and regulations. A synopsis of every state’s domestic violence and health care state laws and regulations is included and addresses: training, screening, protocols, mandatory reporting, insurance discrimination, and other categories. The tool also identifies state earmarks for funding and public health programs specific to domestic violence, as available. The state summaries of laws and regulations are also condensed in a two-page quick chart.