Child Abuse

Highlighting Public Health Contributions to Violence Prevention

The Safe States Alliance is hosting a webinar highlighting public health contributions to violence prevention, April 19th from 2-3:30 pm ET. The session will emphasize how state and local health departments have successfully used their unique strengths to contribute to violence prevention efforts in their communities, states, and nationally.

From the site:

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about current national, state, and local violence prevention strategies led by health departments with emphasis on youth violence and child maltreatment prevention initiatives.

Featured speakers include:

  • Jim Mercy, PhD, Acting Director, Division of Violence Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Rachel Davis, MSW, Managing Director, Prevention Institute
  • Ruth Petersen, MD, MPH, Section Chief, Chronic Disease and Injury Section, North Carolina Division of Public Health
  • Alan J. Dellapenna, Jr. R.S., MPH, Branch Head, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, North Carolina Division of Public Health
  • Catherine Joyner, MSW, Executive Director, Child Maltreatment Prevention Leadership Team
  • Shannon Breitzman, MA, Director, Injury, Suicide, and Violence Prevention Unit, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
  • Jarrod Hindman, MS, Program Manager, Injury, Suicide and Violence Prevention Unit, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
  • Gretchen Musicant, MPH, Commissioner, Minneapolis Department of Health
  • Bass Zanjani, Youth Violence Prevention Coordinator, City of Minneapolis
  • Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, M.Ed, Executive Director, Boston Public Health Commission
  • Catherine Fine, MPH, Director, Division of Violence Prevention, Boston Public Health Commission

The webinar will be facilitated by Dr. Renee Johnson, Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health.