Sexual Assault

Transgendered Sexual Violence

SAFEta Source will be presenting a webinar on transgendered sexual violence on Thursday, June 30th at 2pm ET. The National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations of Adults and Adolescents encourages a victim centered approach to caring for patients who have experienced sexual violence.  Transgendered persons offer unique challenges in assuring victim centered care.

About the presenters:

Michael Munson is the co-founder of FORGE and a long time political activist combating social injustice — within the greater trans+/SOFFA community and as well as beyond it.  He has been involved in both national and local LGBT, queer and trans politics/organizing for over 20 years, including four heartfelt years serving as programming chair (and other roles) for the True Spirit Conference.

Loree Cook-Daniels has been an LGBTQ advocate and professional in aging for more than 30 years (do the math!) A writer, mother, partner, lover and activist, she has also worn many hats within Amercan Boyz, the Transgender Aging Network and FORGE. She has filled numerous organizing roles for the True Spirit Conferences and various aging professionals’ conferences, including the 2001 National Policy Summit on Elder Abuse. She is looking forward to helping professions who care for victims of sexual violence provide transgender/SOFFA-sensitive services.

Check out their newest resource on violence against transgender people here (PDF).