While my brain is very much consumed (and repulsed) by the details of the abuse–and rampant failures to report said abuse–at Penn State, it can be hard to remember there’s anything else going on in the world. But this report, by the AAUW, reminded me there’s plenty. Crossing the Line: Sexual Harassment at School “…presents the most comprehensive research to date on sexual harassment in grades 7-12 and reveals some sobering statistics about the prevalence of sexual harassment and the negative impact it has on students’ education.” See also their blog series on the topic.
For those of you in the DC area, they will actually be presenting the data next week at the National Press Club. I plan on attending.
Tuesday, November 15
9:00-10:30 a.m.
National Press Club
Holeman Lounge
Washington, D.C.
4 replies on “Crossing the Line: Sexual Harassment at School”
Thanks for sharing this Jen. As someone who works with my public school district (in a non-clinial way) I have found a sense of general concern for these issues, but within a perhaps somewhat naive context. This summary is concise and clearly written. It would make a great “short” to open meaningful dialogue in many communities across the country. I would encourage our colleagues to send the info to their school district’s administrators who lead curriculum and student services.
Thanks, Val. I agree this is something we should be talking with schools about. But it’s extra meaningful to have a school board member put it out there, so I appreciate you weighing in.
It can happen to anyone. Even the young ones have experienced this kind of harassment.
This research is really great since there are a lot of children affected by sexual harassment.