Sexual Assault

A Brand New Giveaway!


Our friends at STM Learning are back with a new book giveaway for FHO readers. You have until February 29th at 12pm ET to be eligible for the drawing. Click through for details on how to enter.

This month’s giveaway is the Entry-Level Adolescent and Adult Sexual Assault Assessment (normally $45). In order to be eligible, just answer one (or both) of STM’s questions in the Comments:

STM Learning is expanding its training curricula and wants your input on the topics that would be most relevant and useful for you.

  1. Do you have a need for training materials on age-specific sexual abuse, injury and domestic violence, or forensic photography?
  2. What other training topics and materials would you like to see produced?

For those of you interested in the full series (which also includes Intermediate and Advanced workbooks) STM Learning is offering them bundled at a special price.

18 replies on “A Brand New Giveaway!”

Yes we have a need for all of the above. Training in the area of expanding services from sexual assault to domestic violence and beyond is particularly welcome. Thank you!

I would like more training materials on pediatric sexual abuse and also what type of written information should be given at time of discharge from hospital or clinic that would be helpful to parents of sexually assaulted children.

Material to include examples or photos are excellent for new forensic nurses especially. Some rural programs with limited nurses need material to research for trainings and their practice.
A basic wound photography training would be great.

Our SANE program would have a need for updated information on any of the listed topics; however, I feel a forensic photography resource and a detailed evidence collection procedure resource would be most beneficial. Collection of quality samples of evidence is extremely important and I feel we should be providing the best images possible, even utilizing specialty filters when appropriate. Also, it would be nice to know how to best package the more uncommon evidence collected, such as pieces of vegetation, insects, items with chemical residue on them, etc.

All of the above are great topics! I would add documentation, how to document injuries, strangulation, patient demeanor, ways to improve documentation.

Yes! I would like to have book that gives simplified steps for all necessary SAFE examination procedures/techniques for both adult and child. This would be useful as a quick refresher reference for any procedure/technique that may not have been performed recently. THANKS!

I would love some sort of flip cards for documenting injuries. Something I could carry with me to the ED and refer to when documenting injuries. Thanks for asking.

I LOVE this opportunity and would like to see further workbooks on more specific topics such as forensic photography, pediatrics and elder abuse!!

I also appreciate the opportunity for a bundled price! I can see that these products have unlimited usage in individual, group and long term training opportunities!

There is always discussion on how programs can assess and maintain competency in SANE practice. I am very glad to see tools being developed that help to educate assess competency. I would like to see videos of mock cases where learns could document histories and indentified injuries and develop plans of care.

Our pediatric child abuse (sexual/physical) providers need DVD’s that are self paced that offer CE’s. I would love that too for pediatric SANEs as well.

Our rural ED would benefit from this type of education tool. Our nurses do not take care of these patients often and need a guideline to help them when the SANE is not available. Being consistent and providing evidenced-based practice in assessing the patient, documentation, photographics is essential.

I too love the idea of flip cards to help with injury documentation. With photos and definitions. Helpful reminders on the basics. Would be very useful in teaching situations.

Yes we have the need for all the above. We have nurses who can go months without doing an exam. Maintaining competency is always an issue.
Additional training on forensic photography, injury assessment and documentation.

Yes training materials are always helpful as it seems there are little compentencies to evaluate staff on past initial education. Domestic violence as well as teen dating violence are areas of additional training along with photography and documentation education.

I see a need for more information and training on forensic photography. I would love to see something nursing specific for medical forensic exams in areas of DV and Sexual assault adults, children and child abuse.

We always have a need for new reading and reference material. I agree that a visual media would be fantastic for the individual that retains information that they see and hear. To be able to have case modules that nurses can complete for competency at the same time as providing continuing education would be fantastic.

This would be a great tool to assist in the training of new nurses entering the SANE practice. I think it is particularly helpful to be able to critically review case studies then be able to apply newly learned knowledge and self evaluate while earning CME credits. I am excited that we can expect more publications in the SANE/SAFE Forensic Workbook Series!

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