
Finding Funders for Your Cause

I get *a lot* of questions about funding. It comes up to one extent or another anytime a group of medical folks are together, and it most definitely comes up when we talk about sustainability (although if we’re having that conversation, hopefully we’re talking about more than just money). There is a lot of good information out there about potential funding. For example, VAWnet has a bi-weekly funding alert to which you can subscribe.

Thursday, April 26th, from 11am-12pm PT, the Foundation Center is offering a webinar: Finding Funders for Your Cause. If you’re new to searching for potential project funding, or it’s been awhile and you’re not acquainted with some of the tools now available to help, this may be a great resource. From the site:

The most frequently asked question at the Foundation Center is, “How do I find funders that are interested in my cause?” The answer may seem deceptively simple, but in truth, it’s easy to get lost along the way. Save time, avoid the road to nowhere, and let us show you a clear path to results. Attendees will walk away knowing how to connect with the latest news and funding opportunities in their fields of interest; how to use cool tools for finding funders and program partners; and where to access expert virtual and in-person help for building knowledge and skills.