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The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation and the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School has a free webinar coming up next week. Best Practices to Combat Human Trafficking: Public/Private Partnerships will be offered May 22nd from 9-11am ET. Click through to read more about the webinar. And coincidentally, my organization, AEquitas, just published a new issue of Strategies on a similar topic: Enhancing Prosecutions of Human Trafficking and Related Violence Against Sexually Exploited Women.
From the webinar site:
Private businesses have become actively and effectively engaged in addressing and combating human trafficking as the anti-trafficking movement has grown. Due to the complexity of the crime of human trafficking, the role of the private sector has become increasingly vital. In order to create effective strategies to combat this human rights challenge, it is critical to combine the knowledge, experience, and skills of the private sector with public-sector organizations.
As part of their online conference series, the Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery and the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation are joined by the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) and the UN Global Compact in hosting a Web-based conference: “Best Practices to Combat Human Trafficking: Public/Private Partnerships.”
Bringing together a panel of experts from business, academia, policy, and nongovernmental organizations, the conference will be an opportunity to share their perspectives on best practices to combat trafficking through public-private partnerships. Panelists will represent partners from both sides (public and private) committed to ending human trafficking. Each panelist will make a brief presentation about their work in the field; following the panel presentations will be a moderated Question and Answer discussion. Questions will come from both the moderator and the online audience.
The moderator is Shawn MacDonald, Ph.D., Director of Programs and Research, Verité.
The panelists are:
- Claudia Arthur-Flatz, External Relations Officer and Private Sector Focal Point, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, UN Office on Drugs and Crime
- Ivana Machonova Schellongova, Senior Programme Manager, End Human Trafficking Now
- Brenda Schultz, Director, Responsible Business, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group
- Karen Olcott, Principal, Partnerships for Global Impact