There’s been some interesting stuff in the news since last we spoke (I’m talking to you, Michigan). Click through for links, plus a new video from Half the Sky.
Sex Trafficking and the Media: A Conversation with Rachel Lloyd and Pat Mitchell (TEDx Women)
Confession of an Evangelical Mom (The Advocate)
Social media and social norms: Using a multimedia campaign to change bystander behavior (PreventConnect)
American Horror Story (NY Times)
Gender Differences in the Salaries of Physician Researchers (JAMA)
Church Battles Efforts to Ease Sex Abuse Suits (NY Times)
The U.S. Military’s Abortion Policy: Neither Fair Nor Equitable (Time)
Stranger Danger on the Social App Skout (Slate)
Emergency Contraception: How It Works (How It Doesn’t) (NPR)
Eliminating Prison Rape Would Save Society $50 Billion Per Year: Report (Huffington Post)
Sandusky Case Resources and Trial Packet (NSVRC)
Dozens of sex assault victims opt to wait (Canada–
And from the dust up in Michigan last week, in which a female legislator dared say the word vagina on the record:
Michigan reps silenced for use of ‘v-words’ (Detroit News)
Michigan State Rep Barred From Speaking After ‘Vagina’ Comments (NPR)
Women Lawmakers in Michigan Perform “Vagina Monologues” to Protest Censorship (Democracy Now)
And potentially NSFW:
25 Republican-Approved Ways to Say ‘Vagina’ Without Offending Political P*&$@#s (Jezebel)
Finally, a new trailer from the Half the Sky Movement: