Sexual Assault

Online Learning: Sexually Transmitted Infections

The California HIV/STD Prevention Training Center has several online offerings that would be useful–particularly for new clinicians who need to shore up on basics, including the CDC Guidelines. There are online courses, archived webinars and podcasts to choose from, so it’s worth checking out the site. Take note–one of them is a video (15 minutes long) on the new gonorrhea treatment issues. Perfect for a staff meeting CE update.

Some of the ones that caught my eye:

HIV Today: What Everyone Needs to Know

This no-cost interactive and self-paced 60 minute course is designed for two audiences: the general public and a variety of providers who may be new to providing services to those at risk for and infected with HIV. It provides basic information about HIV and AIDS and is designed to provide a brief overview of topics such as transmission, disease progression, risk reduction, prevention and health disparities. The course provides comprehensive links to relevant resources and glossary terms. By the end of the course, providers will be familiar with basic information about HIV/AIDS and will have access to resources necessary to gain more information and support.

2010 STD Treatment Guidelines Webinar: An Overview by CDC and the NNPTC
This one hour recorded webinar is designed  for clinicians and other staff working in health care settings who provide clinical care for persons with or at risk for STDs.  The live event held on January 13, 2011 has been archived and is available now for viewing.

STD Case Series
The NNPTC STD Case Series is intended for practicing clinicians who provide care to persons at risk for STDs. The series includes case presentations of common STD-related syndromes with a guided, interactive process to evaluate each case, arrive at a diagnosis and provide recommended treatment. Free continuing education credit is available.

Hepatitis Web Study
The Seattle STD/HIV PTC Hepatitis Web Study is intended for health care workers who provide clinical care to persons with viral hepatitis. The service offers interactive, case-based modules dealing with the diagnosis and management of hepatitis A, B, C, and other hepatitis viruses. Each module includes case studies, discussion points, high-quality illustrations/graphics, references, and resource links. Free continuing education credit is available.

Self-Study STD Modules for Clinicians
The CDC Self-Study STD Modules for Clinicians are seven web-based educational modules, each based on a specific STD topic. Each module is considered to be an individual course, and as many modules as desired can be completed. Free continuing education credit is available.

STD Current Management Strategies:  New Gonorrhea Treatment Recommendations

In this video, Dr. Park discusses antibiotic resistance among Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates and highlights the CDC’s current treatment recommendations for gonorrhea infections. Video production by Jon Schainker at Educational Technology Services, University of California, Berkeley.

(Hat tip to JPW)