After a very long (but very productive week) in Portland last week, I unplugged for the weekend (sort of). Mostly I just tried not to do work, instead enjoying being home after 5 days on the opposite coast. As much as I like Portland, I like DC more, and DC was lovely enough to provide a gorgeous weekend with very little in the way of a schedule. So that left plenty of time for reading–here’s a sample of what caught my eye since last we spoke:
Healthy Relationships: Take time for community reflection at one-year mark of Jerry Sandusky scandal (Centre Daily Times)
FEMA Rape Reference: ‘No Doesn’t Always Mean No’ (Huffington Post)
Few rape kits tested in Colorado; Police say it’s not necessary, victims think otherwise (
East Coast Rapist suspect acknowledges attacks in several states (Washington Post)
Chris Brown Concert Protested: Rihanna’s Battered Face Used To Oppose Singer’s Concert In Sweden (Huffington Post)
Study Focuses On Sexual Behavior Of First-Year Female College Students (Medical News Today)
6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them (Fast Company)
12 Guidelines for Deciding When to Persist, When to Quit (Harvard Business Review)
Continuum of Evidence: The proof is in the pudding! (VAWnet)
Health Issues on Ballots Across the Country (RWJF Human Capital Blog)
Handle with Care: A guide to responsible media reporting of violence against women (PDF, Zero Tolerance)