Back in my office after a lovely visit with a really diverse group of forensic nurses in Australia. The trip back from Australia? Less lovely. Much. The good news about the cluster&*@k that was my trip home? Well, I might need some time before I can come up with something, but the extra time added to my return trip gave me plenty of time to read. Here’s some of what I was perusing since last we spoke:
America’s Healthcare Crisis: A Prescription for Breaking the Cycle (Huffington Post)
Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us (Time)
Goodlatte Says House Will Act on Gun Legislation (Roll Call)
Django, in chains (CNN)
Proposed Pennsylvania bill would prevent rape victims from choosing between rapist’s parental rights, child support (Lehigh Valley
Study finds teenagers in relationships are threatened online or in texts (Washington Post)
In Washington, Sexual Assault Victims Find Justice Elusive (Daily Beast)
Essentials for Childhood – Steps to Create Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships (CDC)
Chuck Grassley Owes Retraction On ‘Misleading’ VAWA Comments, Native American Group Says (Huffington Post)
The Price of Public Violence (NY Times)