Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Developmentally Sensitive Interviewing of Children

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our webinar yesterday. The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project actually offers two webinars a month: one pediatrics, one adult. October’s peds webinar is Total Recall or Mission Impossible? Developmentally Sensitive Interviewing of Children. It will be held October 9th from 3-4:30 pm, and as with all of the webinars from this project, free CEUs are available (1.5) and CMEs have been sought.

From the site:

Children are not little adults. In the context of a sexual abuse or sexual assault evaluation we are talking with children about sensitive and highly emotionally charged issues. We often ask children questions that would be difficult for many adults to answer. Understanding child development is critical to a successful interview, which is even more important in the presence of trauma. It is the responsibility of the interviewer to assess the child’s developmental status and then ask questions accordingly. The interviewer must then assess and understand the child’s answers in the context of the child’s developmental state. This webinar will offer practical guidelines for assessment of development including language, memory, understanding of core and temporal concepts and the effects of trauma on development.

(all sessions are archived if you can’t attend on the live date)