Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Centers has an interesting webinar coming up with Dr. Carole Jenny: Medical Child Abuse and Medical Neglect–A Spectrum of Parent Behavior. The session will be held February 26th from 1-3pm CT. CMEs are available for physicians. Space is limited so register in advance (all webinars are archived, as well). Click through for a description:
From the site:
This presentation will examine medical child abuse and medical neglect, the two ends of a spectrum of parents’ manner of interacting with the medical care system. Topics include definitions of medical child abuse and medical neglect, diagnosing them, and treating them.
Register here.
3 replies on “Medical Child Abuse and Medical Neglect: A Spectrum of Parent Behavior”
I am a nurse practitioner at an advocacy center and a majority of my position is overseeing and managing cases of suspected medical child abuse as well as leading our monthly MCA taskforce meeting. I was also able to give a presentation on this topic at the 2014 IAFN conference in Phoenix. Thanks for sharing this, I am going to try to attend this seminar.
Trying to go to the link, but all links seem to end in dead ends…anyone else successful?
Try this link instead: https://coursecatalogmidwestregionalcac.desire2learn.com/program/1/upcoming-edunet-webinars
If not, use the 1st link and click on the tab for upcoming webinars.