Sexual Assault

Title IX for Forensic Nurses

SAFEta is hosting a webinar, Title IX for Forensic Nurses. The session will be held May 21st from 2-3:30pm ET. Click through for details:

From the announcement:

This 90-minute webinar will introduce participants to Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments and help them understand how forensic nurses might be called upon during schools’ sexual misconduct proceedings.  The webinar will begin with a brief overview of Title IX and will explain schools’ investigatory and adjudicatory obligations under the law.  The webinar will contrast schools’ Title IX proceedings with criminal proceedings to help the participants put into context the role of forensic nurses within the Title IX system.  The webinar will next examine the two ways in which forensic nurses might be utilized—as fact witnesses and as expert witnesses—in an institution’s Title IX system.  Participants in this webinar will gain a working knowledge of Title IX, as well as an understanding of the expectations and limitations on the role of the forensic nurse in schools’ investigatory and adjudicatory systems.