DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 7-27-15

Oh, to be home for 3 full weeks! Just in time to celebrate the girl child’s 14th birthday, the spouse’s new job (hello, DOJ!), and just generally immerse myself with some quality time amongst my people. Luxury! I have an additional 14 year old in my house this week, making things a bit more chaotic than usual, so the interwebs have provided some welcome respite. Here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

TED tips for speaking (right before you go on)

Technology: so damn cool

The title says it all

Men Kill Women in the U.S. So Often That It’s Usually Not Even Newsworthy

The NY Magazine piece that so many people have posted…

…And the brilliant Roxanne Gay’s piece in response

What we wish people understood about EDs

The trolls are winning the Internet (ask any feminist online today)

This piece on the gun debate (which we can keep resurrecting Every. Single. Time. Because mass killings happen every 2 weeks in the US according to the stats.)

TV doesn’t paint the complete picture for everyone (obviously)

Good advice to avoid negativity bias

{Ed: I just counted 3 exclamation points in the opening paragraph of this post. Clearly I am delirious…}