For those of you interested in expanding your programs, here’s one avenue for funding services for older victims of abuse. The National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life and the National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators are hosting a webinar to review federal funding opportunities for services to this population (PDF). The session will be held October 5th at 3pm ET. Click through for details, including registration deadlines:
From the announcement (PDF):
OVERVIEW: The National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) and the National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators are pleased to offer a webinar on federal funding opportunities for abuse in later life victim assistance. This webinar is designed to help participants better understand and apply for funding from the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Abuse in Later Life program. There is no cost to attend.
WHO SHOULD ENROLL: The webinar is open to all who are interested in learning more about VOCA and OVW funding to support victim services for older adults in your community.
PRESENTERS: Juanita Davis, Program Manager, National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) and Steve Derene, Executive Director, National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators
REGISTRATION: Registration opens Monday, August 22, 2016 and closes Thursday, September 29, 2016. To register, please visit: