So about last week–what a fantastic crew we had at the NAC for our testimony workshop. I had a great time meeting so many new colleagues, and participants were really on point. A very impressive group (and thanks for all the new subscriptions, folks–please remember to verify your email via the Feedburner link you should have received, which went to your spam folder if you didn’t see it). Of course, you may have noticed I was MIA from the site after Monday’s post–it really is too much to keep up with everything during that course, so FHO was quiet for the week. However, I had plenty of time to surf these weekend, being in airports and such. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:
I had to giggle at the title of this–do we use The Clap anymore?
Another day, another story like this…
This is a long, but good read about addiction and lawyers
Oh, hell no, American Airlines
If you didn’t catch the piece on SANEs, read about it here (also embedded audio)
Finally, in movie news, two upcoming releases I can’t wait to see– Incredibles 2 and a Wrinkle in Time: