Good morning from Ft Hood, Texas. For the next two weeks, postings will be somewhat light–I leave here and head straight to Italy for more work, and then on to Cleveland (for the kid’s spring musical), so please bear with me. I will miss everyone at this year’s Leadership and Lobby Days, but I am certain it will be a great success. Confession–the migraines have been crushing as of late, so I didn’t spend a ton of time online this weekend, but here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:
Sadness: this was the source of much of my education as a kid, and one of the reasons I ended up doing what I do today
Another man mansplaining #MeToo
Must read: the legacy of childhood trauma
This was Twitter gold
So true (as I get very close to 50 this year)
Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.
2 replies on “Since Last We Spoke, 4-9-18”
It was such an honor to have you here at the great place! I’m so grateful you took your time to visit our SAMFE program and spend valuable time catching up with me.
Safe travels and I look forward to seeing you at the IAFN conference this year!!
Thanks for the hospitality. Look forward to spending a little more time together in Reno!