SAFEta and KIDSta have a webinar coming up next month, Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Sexual Assault: Looking for the Zebra. The session will be held June 19th at 2pm ET. The session will be archived if you cannot attend live. From the registration:
Due to the well-documented acute and long-term negative health consequences associated with child sexual abuse, the medical forensic examination is an integral component of the coordinated community response to child sexual abuse. This webinar presentation will illustrate the differential diagnosis tree the clinician must consider when performing a prepubescent medical forensic exam or consulting when ano-genital injury has been identified. A review of normal pediatric anogenital anatomy, followed by case studies that include normal variants that can be mistaken for abuse, STI’s that may mimic trauma, straddle injury review, and traumatic injuries from sexual abuse.
Register here.
Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.