Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 10-1-18

An FHO reader sent me an email asking where the regular Monday posts have been, and here’s the thing–I don’t have much to tell you about what I’ve been looking at since last we spoke because it’s all kind of awful. I know you all are reading the same stuff, and honestly, it’s grinding me down. To protect my psyche a bit, I’ve been trying not to read much at all these last few weekends because the weeks have been so full of terrible news. I know many of you watched, as I did, the Kavanaugh hearings last week, and by Friday, Sasha had enacted a news grayout (we weren’t fully able to commit to a blackout, but we tried pretty hard for the weekend), so weighed down were we by all of it. Bottom line–I’ve stayed off a lot of social media as of late. In fact, this weekend I took advantage of a completely last minute opportunity, hopped a flight to Chicago with my kid, caught a performance of Hamilton, and toured the University of Chicago as the ultimate act of self-care.

That being said, I point your attention toward a couple things worth your attention, particularly in light of current events and the work we do. The first is this solid overview on trauma and memory published by NPR.

The second is a TEDx talk (h/t JPW) on campus sexual assault, given last month by the excellent Dr. Sharyn Potter (acquaint yourself with a selection of her publications here). It specifically looks at one of the less-discussed aspects of campus assaults, the economic consequences. Worth your 15 minutes:


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.