I’m off to New Orleans for what is one of my favorite weeks of the year, the IAFN annual conference. I hope to see many FHO readers in person (please stop me and say hi!), plus I am looking forward to two sold-out sessions, and another 2 that should be pretty lively, even if we don’t reach bodies-on-every-surface type numbers for those (c’mon guys. 3-hours of ethics isn’t your jam?). With everything going on in my world right now, I am grateful for this week, which always recharges my batteries. Particularly because it gives me facetime with so many like-minded folks. Can’t wait to see y’all there.
After a really terrific course at Ft. Hood last week, I spent much of the weekend playing catch up. Still, there was time for some surfing–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:
Good news! Shaving/waxing your pubic hair doesn’t increase your risk of STIs. We can all breathe a bit easier (thanks, Kim Day for the link)
New ACOG Committee Opinion on Human Trafficking
“When death shuts down justice, it also shuts down the voices of victims.“
The role of nurses when patients decide to end their lives
Don’t want to provide abortions? Don’t go into healthcare.
Related, from NEJM: The Dangerous Threat to Roe v. Wade
Great interview questions, in case that’s a thing you have to do soon
And because this week is the 9/11 anniversary, one of my favorite StoryCorps animations:
Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.