
Happy Thanksgiving!

16041983709_5be99d2224_mI’m in the 216 this week spending time with the girl-child, little brother and his family, and my folks, stealing myself (happily) for the food onslaught that is to come. Thanksgiving is my family’s main holiday of the year, since we scatter for Hanukkah and Christmas. We are a serious cooking family, which means that starting today, the two ovens in my parents’ kitchen will be on overdrive. My father is not to be trifled with when it comes to the turkey–this year’s is a 27 lb beast. And for those of you who know Sasha, she is as serious about baking pies as she is about the law (this one is a favorite at our table).

I am thankful I was raised in a home that to my mind embraces the spirit of Thanksgiving–our table has always made space for every resident and medical student without a place to go on the holiday. It isn’t unusual for my father to make rounds prior to the meal (he’s a surgeon) and call on his way home to let us know he’s bringing one more person with him. We’ve introduced folks from South America, Africa, Russia and the Middle East to our family traditions; this year Israel and Korea will be in attendance. It is boisterous, loud, and filled with love. Four generations will be represented. It’s an awesome mess and I wouldn’t change a thing.

I’m signing off for the rest of the week, but I’ll be back next week with a full complement of posts, including a new giveaway, which I’m so excited about. For those of you celebrating the holiday, here’s hoping it’s one filled with peace, love and lots of good friends, family and food. See you back here next week. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

{Photo of Downtown Cleveland via}

One reply on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

Excellent!!!! Wish I could join you – those feasts are always the best!!!Enjoy! (and thanks for a new pie recipe – looks yummy!).

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