Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. Most of these are from the May/June issues; I have included a couple articles electronically available now in anticipation of print publication, as well (all from the last 4 weeks). As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Most links lead to abstracts (unless otherwise indicated); from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library; or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.
British Journal of Nursing, Vol. 18, Iss. 8, 23 Apr 2009
Predicting patient aggression against nurses in all hospital areas
Rose Chapman, et al.
International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2009 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Violence against children: further evidence suggesting a relationship between burns, scalds, and the additional injuries.
Seifert D, et al.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Vol 138(2), May 2009
Long-term memory for the terrorist attack of September 11: Flashbulb memories, event memories, and the factors that influence their retention.
Hirst, William, et al.
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Volume 20, Number 2, May 2009
Relation of Domestic Violence to Health Status among Hispanic Women
Ping-Hsin Chen, et al.
Journal of Human Lactation, 4 May 2009 [Epub ahead of print]
Qualitative Study of Breastfeeding After Childhood Sexual Assault
Jan Coles
Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, Volume 22, Issue 2
Emergency Contraception Services for Adolescents: a National Survey of Children’s Hospital Emergency Department Directors
Megan L. Kavanaugh, et al.
Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. 66(4)
Outcomes of Blunt Assault at a Level I Trauma Center.
Hadjizacharia, Pantelis MD, et al.
Journal of Women’s Health, 2009 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Compliance with Mandated Emergency Contraception in New Mexico Emergency Departments.
Espey E, et al.
Pediatrics, Vol. 123 No. 5 May 2009
POLICY STATEMENT: Abusive Head Trauma in Infants and Children
Cindy W. Christian, MD, Robert Block, MD and the Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect (Full Text)
POLICY STATEMENT: Diagnostic Imaging of Child Abuse
Section on Radiology (Full Text)
Preventive Medicine, 2009 Mar 31. [Epub ahead of print]
Factors associated with sexual assault and time to presentation.
McCall-Hosenfeld JS, et al.
Research in Nursing & Health, 2009 May 4 [Epub ahead of print]
The essence of healing from sexual violence: A qualitative metasynthesis.
Draucker CB, et al.
Trauma Violence Abuse. 2009 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print]
The Epidemiology of Trauma, PTSD, and Other Posttrauma Disorders.
Breslau N.
Violence Against Women, Vol. 15, No. 6
Trauma Victim: Yes or No? Why It May Be Difficult to Answer Questions Regarding Violence, Sexual Abuse, and Other Traumatic Events
Siri Thoresen & Carolina Øverlien
The Perception of Elder Sexual Abuse in the Courtroom
Emily C. Hodell, et al.