DV/IPV Sexual Assault

A Call to Men

Prevention Connection‘s latest newsletter is pretty fantastic. It includes audio recordings from the 4th Annual A Call to Men conference (PDF), held last spring in NYC. If you’re not familiar with the project, A Call to Men “challenges men to reconsider their long held beliefs about women, in an effort to create a more just society. We achieve this by encouraging change in the behaviors of men through a re-education and training process that challenges sexism.”

Some of the speakers whose recordings you can hear include:

And several really interesting panels:

  • Jackson Katz, leading a discussion about expanding violence prevention work with men and boys
  • Ulester Douglas leading a discussion about community organizing and the Training Institute for Mobilizing Men (TIMM)
  • Desiree Allen Cruz leading a discussion on men as allies

Seriously, that’s not even half of it. I encourage you to check it out for yourself.