Sexual Assault

Violence & Exploitation Against Women & Girls

I love when I run into interesting information from previously unexplored sources. The New York Academy of Sciences has archived materials from a conference put on in November 2005, Violence and Exploitation of Women and Girls. This is a particularly interesting one because the site provides media, as well as related resources and a report generated from the proceedings. Although this is a few years old, there’s a lot of information here, so it’s worth sifting through it to see what’s useful in your own work.

From the site:

Violence is an international public health problem that results in devastating physical, emotional, social, and economic consequences. While males are more often perpetrators and victims of overall violence, females bear the overwhelming brunt of victimization in the areas of infanticide, educational and nutritional neglect, sexual abuse, and domestic violence.

These are just a smattering of the findings to be found in the World Health Organization’s first World Report on Violence and Health, published in 2002. Three years in the making, the project was the first comprehensive review of the problem of violence on a global scale. Responding to that report’s challenge to lift the “secrecy taboos and feelings of inevitability that surround violent behavior, and to encourage debate that will increase our understanding of this hugely complex phenomenon,” the Psychology Section of the Academy hosted a conference called “Violence and Exploitation Against Women and Girls” on November 18, 2005.