I have several things piling up in my odds and ends file, so I thought I’d take the time to put a few of them out there. Today’s a bit of a disjointed day as I try to play catch up from the month of August, so while I was hoping to get a September Articles of Note up, I’m afraid that will have to wait until later in the week. However, stay tuned, because we also have a new giveaway coming up soon from our friends at GW Medical.
- The US Department of Justice’s Tribal Justice and Safety site. Some fantastic resources here worth sharing at your next SART meeting for many of you out there (thanks, Tara!)
- The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ newly released report on sexual victimization in prisons and jails
- Updates on our Canada page (thanks, Sheila!)
- Free mild traumatic brain injury resources from the American College of Emergency Physicians for clinicians and patients
- Health Issues Affecting Trafficked Individuals (PDF) from APIAHF
- The debate on whether or not to test sexual assault evidence collection kits (hat tip, IAFN)