I have been remiss in getting this giveaway up and running, I confess. Thanks to our friends at STM Learning (formerly GW Medical) for being patient with me, and of course for providing our latest goody. As with previous giveaways, please answer the question in the Comments section to be eligible for the drawing. You have until Friday, October 15th at 5pm ET to respond.
The winner of this month’s giveaway will receive a free copy of STM Learning’s Physical Abuse and Neglect: A Training Curriculum, accredited through Saint Louis University’s School of Medicine and School of Nursing. The curriculum contains activities, test questions, 208 photographic references, and a PowerPoint teaching presentation meant to familiarize learners with common forms of abuse and neglect. Answer the following question, and you could be this month’s lucky recipient:
Some of our forthcoming products include training curricula on the topics of nursing, child sexual abuse, and child sexual exploitation. Looking forward, around what subjects would you like to see STM develop future curricula?
By providing feedback in the comments section, you are furnishing STM with valuable advice in its endeavor to craft quality resources for medical trainees and entering yourself in the giveaway of Physical Abuse and Neglect: A Training Curriculum, a $200 value. We thank you for your participation.
47 replies on “New Giveaway from STM Learning”
Other topics I would be interested in are stalking and courtroom testimony.
I would like to see more info on standards of evidence collection. Thank you
Physical Assessment and documentation please!
Expert witness and death investigation
Child physical abuse (including but not limited to abusive head trauma, fractures, and burns), child neglect, elder abuse, and assessment of human trafficking victims.
Topics for future: child human trafficking not only in 3rd world countries but in North America, also child abduction awareness and prevention curriculum ( in light of successful Amber Alert in California recently)
I would like to see more on differentiating between abnormal exams and normal variants. Also, more on expert testimony.
I would like to see more on aftercare recommendations for male assault victims and expert witness testimony.
I would like more information on HIV risk with sexual assault and nPEP, as well as STI risk and treatment.
The current standards on swab technique for DNA from wounds, bodily fluids, etc.
I agree with all the topics listed. I would also like more information on the “choking game”.
I agree with previous comments for topics, in addition to the above: bystander intervention; teaching tools
I would like to learn more about the choking game and physical assessment. thanks!!
Yes, I would like to see more information on HIV nPEP and follow-up. We do not have an Infectious Disease physician in our city or county. Would also like to see information on identification, differentiating between abnormal exams and normal variants and proper documentation. Thank you.
Tips on on testifying, common defense baiting techniques and ways to combat gracefully!
I would like to see more on death investigation; implementing a program for the care of IPV/Dv patients in an already existing SANE program (+ funding for the previous), and more on testifying-expert witness and fact witness
It would be great to have literature on PID in females that have not been sexually active. Also reasons for late estrogenized areas of the hymen in physically mature females who are at tanner stage 4 or 5
I would like to obtain literature and photography on cervix versus noncervical injury , plus the varianats that one can visulize within a normal adult women and it still be considered normal
Information on forensic interviewing.
More on normal variants and testifying about the “normal exam.”
Recently it has come to my attention that the medical community, especially the emergency department is behind on the current illegal drugs in our community. I would like to see a resource especially for health care. Include most prevalent drugs their interactions, side effects, presenting symptoms and diagnostic needs, long term complications, overdose thresholds and treatments if available.
I would be more interested in hearing about appropriate documentation of injuries. It seems like a lot of books write about documentation but then lack examples. Color pictures with great documentation would be very helpful. So for the most part, physical assessment of both abuse and assault cases.
I would like to see case law especially in the area of FNE testimony and the impact on the case, suspect examination – ethics regarding forced evidence collection and the legal implications and legal implications of obtaining evidence when the patient is unable to consent.
I would like to see some education aimed at the public in general telling them what to do if they become victims, i.e. don’t shower, save clothing, make a report as soon as possible, etc.
I would like to have more information about mental illness and sexual assault and presenting the case to jury
I would like to see more information on being a fact-witness. There are many sources out there, but so many of them differ in their approach. Specifically: is our job to educate the jury? How best to deal with the defense? Tips and pearls of wisdom would be most appreciated!
I agree with the topics posted above. I would love to consult with the publishers on some of the topics
HIV prophylaxis and follow up care as well as pediatric sexual assault.
I would like to see information regarding HIV Prophylaxis and sexual assault related to special population groups ie…deaf, developmentally delayed, visually impaired.
I also would like to learn more about standards on the collection of evidence especially DNA and more about the best practices on this process. Also are there any programs out there that are involved in any studies analyzing this data?
I would like STM to develop curricula on strangulation and fatality, with an algorithm that helps ER physicians and Nurses understand the potential lethality and provide a standard of care that includes protocol for adequate screening and discharge instructions.
I would love to see more on death investigation. Also on the DNA collection. We have had such problems with this in my area.
I’d like to learn more about emotional/psychological assessment and intervention for SA survivors. Like a primer for non-mental healthcare providers
I think a curricula on strangulation and an algorithm to assist providers would be helpful
I would like to learn about how to collaborate more closely with physicians on policies, procedures and education.
i’d like to see topics like elder abuse, elder sexual assault, correlating injuries to mechanisms of injuries, strangulation, offender typologies included. These are topics that i find difficult to find reliable sources on.
I would like information on how to deal with investigators from police departments who in my opinion are not treating the victim appropriately.For example making her feel guilty for not going through with an investigation
How to educate peers who don’t treat victims appropriately. ( non sane type health care workers )
a training cirriculum for strangulation and traumatic brain injury
I agree with many ideas above. Just scanned through them. One topic that comes to my mind is evidence based violence screening tools to implement in a hospital setting. We are looking at expanding our forensic services to non-sexual assault / abuse patients and one thing I’d like to do is implement a better, more user friendly, evidence based screening tool (to help ID patients dealing with DV/IPV, Elder abuse, trafficking, child abuse, etc.
I would love to see more information on the human trafficking care and resources in our country. I would also like to see information regarding setting up programs in rural areas and learn how other are collaborating to provide that care.
I would like t see topics on ways to prevent burnout and retention of nurses who are SANE trained.
I would like to see more on the consent for exam in unconscious patient.
It would be helpful to have identification and documentation of injuries, including descriptive language to objectively document the injuries. Also identification of victims of sex and labor trafficking and health concerns with these patients.
I would like to see more about SART development and interaction. Also more about retention strategies.
I would like to see an extensive resource of injury and normal varriant documentaion including pictures and examples of documentation.
I would appreciate some more information on most of the topics listed! A great resource on human trafficking would be good