Many of you probably don’t know this, but for the 1st time in 5 years I did something really revolutionary (at least in my life): I took an airport sabbatical. For more than 2 months now, I have not engaged in any business travel. With the exception of one quick jaunt to Florida for a funeral, I have not so much as stepped foot on an airplane since returning from SANE-SART(!). I decided that I needed extra mom time, and so I have stayed in DC, concentrated on some writing projects and generally enjoyed quality time with my people. All that comes to an end tomorrow. The travel season is upon us and once again, I will spend the next 3 months on the road some portion of almost every week. First up?
Hawaii…Thank you to the universe (and the US Army), for easing me back onto an airplane in such a lovely way. I’m 6 hours earlier all next week, but I will try to keep posts as regular as possible. This is unquestionably a work trip, but it still feels like I’m stealing a vacation: there’s something so recharging about being surrounded by colleagues and friends in that environment. That I get to bring the girl-child with me is an added bonus.
Hope your weekend is a positive and relaxing one. More from the Pacific on Monday.
2 replies on “Back on the Road”
There’s nothing saying that you have to spend all your “work” time stuck in a hotel room! Enjoy your time in the beautiful Pacific! (and don’t forget the shaved ice!)
Thanks, Kim–I promise I won’t be inside all week. Plus I can see the ocean from the balcony of my room:)