
Family Violence Prevention and Health Practice e-Journal

The Spring 2012 edition of the Family Violence Prevention and Health Practice e-Journal is now available. Published by Futures Without Violence, it’s worth a once-over. Click through for this issue’s contents and links. I was particularly interested in the 1st one.

  1. Lessons Learned in Implementing a Psychosocial Screener in a High Risk Obstetrics Clinic
    Lisandra S. Garcia, MPH, Ann L. Coker PhD, MPH, Corrine M. Williams, ScD, Emily R. Clear, MPH, CHES, et al.
  2. Through the Eyes of a Survivor: A Pilot Study to Examine the Use of a Photovoice-based Support Group for Women Survivors of Family-Based Interpersonal Violence
    Laura Beth Haymore, Mary Y. Morgan, Christine E. Murray, Robert W. Strack, Linda Trivette, and Paige Hall Smith
  3. Assessing, Intervening, and Preventing Children’s Exposure to Violence
    Martha Davis, MSS and Sandy Dempsey, MSS, MLSP