Sexual Assault

Working with Culturally Diverse Communities to Address Sexual Violence

Making a Difference, a Canadian anti-sexual violence organization, is hosting a webinar: Working with Culturally Diverse Communities to Address Sexual Violence. The session will be on Wednesday, June 20th at 1pm ET. You can register here.

From the site:

Canada’s population is becoming increasingly diverse. However, the provision of culturally responsive services is still a challenge to our society. In particular, community services for partner violence and sexual assault in are insensitive and inadequate for certain groups of people. Individuals from various racial, ethnic, religious and linguistic backgrounds, different age groups and sexual orientation, continue to express their concerns of having limited access to culturally relevant services. What do service providers need to do to work effectively with diverse people in diverse environments?

This webinar will highlight the services provided by the Diversity Outreach and Court Support Program at the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton, followed by a presentation on the complexity of working with people from diverse cultural background with diverse worldviews and perspectives. The webinar will then explore various strategies that allow service providers to apply a multicultural worldview that responds to increasingly complex environments. It will include a segment on community development principles, relationship building, and learning from the wisdom and lived experiences of the people.