As I mentioned last week, I will be featuring some go-to tools and resources this holiday season for those of you thinking about how to upgrade your team’s operations or reward staff for their amazing dedication to this work and our patients. (Feel free to contact me with your own list of tools and resources and I’ll feature them here this month.) First up, Karyn Rasile from Scottsdale, AZ: FeMR ™ Forensic electronic Medical Records
According to Karyn: “The new forensic electronic medical records system that we’ve implemented, aka FeMR: LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Can access charts from anywhere with each individual’s secure login…I type my info in once and it auto populates all of our forms, including patient identifying labels. It also has intelligence built in, so it decreases errors. Billing is done from here and can be electronically submitted. It is easy to pull reports. It’s like going to a buffet table and saying what you want (16 you, female, ETOH, injuries to fossa, etc), clicking on the button and BAM! Out comes your reports… And, best of all, super user friendly for all of us non-technical nurses.”
Anyone else using electronic medical record systems they love? Feel free to share your intel in the Comments!