Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 1-28-13

Mark your calendar: the inaugural Forensic Journal Club is coming up 12 February. Find all the information you need to participate here.

An FHO reader sent me a message this week asking when I was going to resume posting the lists of what I’ve been reading over the weekend. I hadn’t realized until receiving that email that I had actually stopped. So in between flying home from a week working in Colorado Springs on Saturday and (maybe) flying south for a trial beginning tomorrow, here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

The Price of a Stolen Childhood (NY Times)

Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg attacks gender stereotypes at work (The Guardian)

CDC releases data on interpersonal and sexual violence by sexual orientation (PR Newswire)

A Rape a Minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year (Mother Jones)

Is PTSD Contagious? (Mother Jones)

Doctors Urged To Screen Women for Domestic Abuse (LA Times)

The Doctor’s In, On Twitter (LA Times)

Olympics sex-trafficking fears reviewed (Women’s Views on News)

Tennessee Supreme Court Considers Whether Minor Is An Accomplice In Her Own Statutory Rape (RH Reality Check)