Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 1-13-14

Good morning! Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend–we actually didn’t (I worked through the weekend; my spouse had Reserve duty), but it still had some high points (for instance, an excellent meal here–you should go next time you’re in DC, but if you are a meat eater). The good news is my only trial this month went away, so I am in the clear as far as work travel is concerned for the rest of the month (let us not speak of February just yet). And while I didn’t have a whole lot of time to read this weekend, there were still a couple moments here and there in which I snuck a peak at my Twitter feed. So here’s what I was perusing since last we spoke:

Doing These Simple Things After Waking Up Makes Your Day Better But You Don’t Realize It (Lifehack)

Who Gets To Be A Superhero? Race And Identity In Comics (NPR)

Fighting The Cruelty Of Human Trafficking, Social Entrepreneurs Craft New Models For Helping Victims (Forbes)

Study: Most rape cases in Salt Lake County never prosecuted (Salt Lake Tribune)

How to rape a woman’: Searching for porn, ending up here (Women Under Siege)

New Jersey cracks down on sex trafficking ahead of Super Bowl (Reuters)

Woman ejected from moving LAPD car says cop was sexually assaulting her (Raw Story)

Why Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet (Pacific Standard)

Seven Productivity Myths, Debunked by Science (and Common Sense) (Lifehacker)

Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions: 10 Tips for Doing it Right (Linked In)

2 replies on “Since Last We Spoke 1-13-14”

I gave up on the “…Simple Things…” article because the page took way too long to load… and load… and load… I couldn’t imagine how it could be worth the time & hassle.

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