Child Abuse Sexual Assault Testimony

Since Last We Spoke, 9-14-15

I’m at Maxwell AFB today for a quick lecture before heading back to DC. It was a reserve weekend for Sasha, which meant a work weekend for me (when I wasn’t traveling), so not much in the way of downtime. But when I was in need of some distraction, the interwebs provided plenty of fodder. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Looking at the laws surrounding campus sexual assault (including this one, which everyone seems to hate)

Truvada seems to be the real deal

I wasn’t even familiar with the term “crisis actor” before I read this article–unreal

Breaking down trigger warnings

The lecture format appears to be discriminatory–fascinating

I confess I found myself relatively irritated by this piece

Is MDMA a potential treatment option for PTSD?

Men who buy sex are more likely to report having committed rape and other aggressive sexual acts

The problem with prosecutor elections

A thoughtful piece on how religious accommodations should actually work

I fall out on the side of good science, I suppose

And now for something a bit uplifting….

7 styles of decision-making (I tend to be #3, followed closely by #6)

And finally, with 2 of my very closest friends going through some pretty aggressive cancer right now, this perfectly timed piece on what to say to a woman who has lost her hair