Sexual Assault

Evaluation 101: Prep, Analyze, Visualize Your Data

First, let me say, you guys are the best–you flooded my inbox with your thoughts about a fee-based research overview (and peppered the site with a couple comments, too 🙂 ). BTW, there’s still time to provide some feedback and be eligible for the $50 Amazon gift card. Thanks to everyone who has shared their opinions/suggestions thus far.

Speaking of research [sort of], NSVRC has a new eLearning course, Evaluation 101: Prep, Analyze, Visualize Your Data. It’s a great opportunity to immerse yourself into the evaluation process (maybe you want to look at issues like impact of patient services or training events). They’ve created a brief video to get you started, then head to NSVRC’s eLearning site to register (the whole thing is free).

Don’t forget, if you’re interested in evaluation, particularly as you look at impact of your patient services, we also published the toolkit for SANE programs that provides a step-by-step guide.