Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September/October 2017 [plus a question/giveaway…]

Time once again for Articles of Note, my (sort of) monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. As always, this is not comprehensive, and most links lead back to abstracts (except where noted otherwise). Also, as always, please provide attribution if you reproduce my lists for your own purposes, don’t take my name off the document, etc., etc.

But before we get to the meat of this post, a quick question: would you be interested in an actual research digest, which provided more in-depth information about new research (including some analysis about the impact on our practice), available every 6-8 weeks–for a small fee? I would appreciate the feedback–send me a yay or nay and how much you might be willing to pay for an individual digest (downloadable electronically), if you would be so kind. In the comments, or knowing you guys, in my email, would be fine. As an incentive, there’s a $50 Amazon gift card for one lucky commenter. I’ll choose when I’m in Toronto next week, so please let me know your thoughts by 13 October, 12pm ET. Thanks!

Word doc first (active links) followed by the PDF for easy sharing (because some of you folks still want it in that format):


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9 replies on “Articles of Note: September/October 2017 [plus a question/giveaway…]”

Yes and considering what I pay for IAFNjournal I would pay $20-35./ Year.
Thanks for keeping us in loop.

I enjoy your input the most! The journal articles are good but it would be great to have half that many and most pertinent to practice. I would pay $20-$30 per year for it if I felt like it was useful info. Bottom line…life is busy…3 kids and night shift….just give the the skinny! 🙂 always great info and thanks for all you share!!!

YES!!! I would most definitely pay for something like that … $30-$50 / year … it would be an excellent way to build a library for our organization
Thank YOU for all u do!!!

YES! I sometimes get overwhelmed with articles and their information. Having an analysis and implications for practice would be a great way to make change for my own personal practice and programs I am involved in. $20-30/year.

Absolutely. You have been my “go to” for a quick check on what’s new before any library search. I would pay $30-50 per year.

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