Sexual Assault

Human Trafficking: Inside the Survivor’s Mind

I am so thrilled about the response to our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here. For those of you outside the US, I have fixed the glitch that would not allow you to purchase it. Please let me know if you have further issues. 

The National Criminal Justice Training Center has an upcoming webinar, Human Trafficking: Inside the Survivor’s Mind. The session will be held November 15th at 2pm ET. I do not know if they will archive it–you will need to contact them directly to find out. From the site:

The session will:

Explain the definition of sex trafficking and describe why this is a serious problem that needs our attention. Demonstrate why victims are not often identified as we look at a survivor’s police record to show the invisible signs of trafficking. Review and understand the mind of a survivor. Describe complex PTSD and why a survivor does not run from her trafficker, understand how resilience helps in recovery, and what the recovery process looks like.

Register here.

2 replies on “Human Trafficking: Inside the Survivor’s Mind”

I live in Ontario Canada and I purchased Injury Following Consensual Sex yesterday and no issue. Came through seamlessly. Thank you 🙂

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