Sexual Assault

Developing a SART in Indian Country

The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project has a webinar coming up, Developing a SART in Indian Country. It’ll be held April 18th at 3pm ET. All of their webinars are archived; CEUs/CMEs are available. From the site:

American Indian and Alaska Native women are raped at rates higher than any other race. Despite the alarming rates, sexual assault is still the most underreported crime. In response to this crisis occurring in Indian Country, tribal nations have been developing culturally appropriate programs and adapting existing response models to create appropriate responses to sexual assault.  One such model is the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). SART establishes a multidisciplinary team that collaborates to create a coordinated response to sexual assault. Presenters will share their experiences, challenges, successes and the importance of developing practices and protocols that are responsive to the immediate needs of adult victims of sexual assault victims and overall benefits to the criminal justice response.

Register for the session here.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here