
Since Last We Spoke, 6-3-19

A few things happening over here–one, it’s Pride month, y’all, so that’s always a fun time here in DC. Also, I had a milestone birthday this weekend, so much of my time was spent enjoying both the wife and best friend being in town to help me celebrate. But the really big news is that I am heading to Japan next week for several weeks, so FHO will be dark while I am gone. I am taking a few weeks off and I am not taking my laptop. This week will be the last week of posts until July 1st.

I’ll be heading to Williamsburg this week to teach for the Army, so I’ll have a few days out of the office. But you can expect a new Articles of Note (now that the strangulation compilation is live), as well as a couple of other goodies before we go dark for 3 weeks. And, I did manage to catch up on some reading during a serious bout of insomnia the other night–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

“Commit to the process and you’ll become good enough, soon enough”. Excellent advice here.

When I run about it, people will notice

Related: a leaked report on the murder of indigenous women

After VA Beach Friday afternoon, the fact that the GOP killed this bill is particularly frustrating

This twitter thread is challenging but important–I encourage you to read the whole thing. It speaks volumes about the realities of our healthcare system, and mental health treatment in particular:


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find the newest research brief, Applying The Strangulation Research To Expert Testimony In Cases With Adult Victims. Or purchase the complete set of three (Strangulation, Aging Bruises, and Consensual Sex Injury) for a special price.

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