Good morning from San Antonio, TX where I will be working all week. It feels like an age since I’ve hopped on the site, but that’s because life is starting to resemble the before times, and I have been in multiple time zones this past month. Happily, this means I am actually starting to see people in person, rather than over screens, and that does my heart good. I actually had the opportunity to share a bit of bourbon with a colleague and friend who was on the road herself last week, and my god, it’s so good to just laugh with people sitting right next to them. I hope you all are having similar experiences.
As you know, it’s time once again for Articles of Note, our monthly romp through the peer-reviewed literature. There are a few free, full-text articles available, but most links take you to the PubMed abstracts. Let me know if you are having trouble finding articles you really want and I will try and help you run them down. As I say every month, there’s plenty here–I am mired in the IPV literature right now because of a project I am working on, but there’s a good selection for those of you working with most other types of living forensic patients, as well. Always nice to see colleagues in forensic nursing publishing and this month doesn’t disappoint.
Speaking of which, the IAFN conference is a few months away, and I will be teaching several sessions, all on some aspect of testimony, including some half-day workshops, so I hope I am going to get the chance to see many of you in September. It really is one of my very favorite weeks of the year.
Don’t forget to visit the FHO store where our brand new monograph Forensic Nursing Testimony is now available, along with our other research compilations, which can be bought as a set or individually.
[Photo by Paul Melki on Unsplash]