Articles of Note

And We’re Back!

I know this joint doesn’t actually look any different, but under the hood, we’ve done a total refurb. I’m pleased to be back in time for the summer travel season. I am still tinkering a bit, but I was getting emails it was time to come back from hiatus. I’m trying to update the old clinical guides and may update some of the store docs soon. I am also in hard-core editing mode for a different project. First things first.

But for now, it’s time for Articles of Note, our renewed monthly romp through the newly published, peer-reviewed literature. Quite a bit of child abuse lit in the list, plus some interesting items: for example, Oke’s article on improving the exams of trans and gender-diverse patients, and Walsh and colleague’s telemedicine and sexual assault article. Plenty to keep you occupied for awhile. See, just like old times.

Happy reading–see you back here next month.


[Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash]



Don’t forget to stop by the FHO Store for research compilations and more.

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