The Tribal Forensic Health Project has a pediatrics webinar coming up, Pediatric Head Trauma. The session will be held September 17th from 3-4:30 ET. As with all of their sessions, it will be archived for those of you who can’t attend live. CEUs and CMEs are available. Click through for details:
From the site:
Statement of Need/Program Overview:
Head trauma occurs frequently in children and can be the result of accidental or abusive means. Differentiation between accident and abuse is important for the safety of the child and well-being of the family. Healthcare providers should understand key features of the history, exam and test result findings that would help differentiate between accidental vs. abusive cause of a head trauma in children.
Educational Objectives:
After completing this activity, the participant should be better able to:
- Identify 2 typical features of a subgaleal hematoma.
- Differentiate between a simple and complex skull fracture
- Describe appropriate evaluation for suspected abusive head trauma in children under the age of 5 years.
Presenter: Karen Farst, MD MPH
Dr. Farst has worked as a child abuse pediatrician with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Center for Children at Risk and Arkansas Children’s Hospital since 2004. After residency training in internal medicine and pediatrics, she was in private practice for 3 years before completing a fellowship in child abuse pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Her work duties at Arkansas Children’s Hospital include medical evaluations for abuse and neglect with the Team for Children at Risk, education of medical and non-medical professionals on the medical aspects of child maltreatment and administration of the Center for Children at Risk. She serves on the Board of Directors for the National Children’s Alliance as well as the Child Abuse Pediatrics sub-board of the American Board of Pediatrics.