
Since Last we Spoke 11-16-15

I was stuck in DC rush hour traffic when the horror in Paris was becoming tragically clear to us here in the US. And it felt like some kind of terrible deja vu, because only hours earlier, as I picked my way across the DC metro area to get to the speaking gig that would have me stuck in said traffic later, I listened to news of the bombings in Lebanon that took place the day before. FHO has subscribers in both France and Lebanon; and so what is an already small world feels all the more tiny, and I can only hope you are safe. That we all can, in fact, be safe.

Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

First hand accounts at the Bataclan; and heroes

No less tragic, but far less discussed


Also, this remarkable man

Grief knows no native tongue…”

I confess, People magazine doesn’t normally make the cut on my list

{but it does, twice!}

Teaching peace in elementary school

Why isn’t this case front page news every day?

I love Anne Lamott. This piece seems just right, right about now.