Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Forensic Issues for Nurses

Medscape has a forensic-focused CE offering currently available: Forensic Issues for Nurses. It’s your standard article-posttest format and is free, with site registration. 1 CEU will be awarded upon completion.


Disaster Medicine Series

ReachMD, available online and at XM Satellite Radio, has a huge feature this month on disaster medicine. There are more than 60 podcasts, all from within the past year (and many from this month) linked on their page right now. You can download several at a time and listen to them while you’re plodding through administrative tasks, or select one, like Ethical Issues Arising in Natural Disasters, and host a staff discussion around it. There’s a lot that’s conversation-worthy.


15 Years

Today, President Obama issued a proclamation recognizing the 15th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act. You can read it here.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

New CEU Offerings has several new CE offerings available that might be of interest to readers. It’s a flat $19.95 for unlimited CEs (in a 12 month period), and they offer some of the state mandated courses, as well as a general selection. That’s actually a pretty fantastic value for the money–something to consider springing for if you just don’t have the budget to send your team members to conferences this year.

Sexual Assault

AN FHO Extra: Sex Offender Registries

In the wake of the Dugard case, it’s no surprise that the merits of sex offender registries are being debated. Time magazine has an interesting article about the potential globalization of sex offender registries here. But before we go there, perhaps we need to analyze the current national registry system, as was done in a brief editorial in last week’s USA Today by Suzanne Brown-McBride, Executive Director of CalCASA. It’s definitely worth a read.



Sorry, gang–my time has been consumed this week with NSAC and I just haven’t been able to keep up with posts. We’ll resume Monday with regular offerings. Enjoy your weekend!


Managing STDs: Complex Cases

Contemporary Forums has a CE offering for both physicians and nurses on managing complex STD cases. It’s 1.5 CEs for $15, downloadable as either a PDF or MP3 (audio). You can catch a preview here if you’re not sure you want to spend the money.

Child Abuse

Drug Endangered Children

I received a request from a reader looking for information about the medical care of children pulled out of meth labs (also known as drug endangered children). I know several of you out there are doing this kind of work, so please chime in with recommended resources you like and use.

Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

It’s a great week at the sustainability site. First off, I’m so excited to be able to bring you a new Friday Coordinator Q&A with Emily Huggins in York, PA (thanks, Emily!). In addition:

Next week is the NSAC conference in Alexandria. I’ll be presenting a couple sessions there and am looking forward to seeing many of you. Please stop by the AEquitas booth or snag me after a session and say hello if you’ll be there.

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: September Edition

Time once again for a run down of some of the new and noteworthy articles in the current literature. All of these are from the August/September issues. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. All links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal. The list is alphabetical by journal.

Child Abuse

Promoting Resilience

On September 9th, the Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health is hosting a webinar from 4-5:30 ET: Promoting Resilience in Children & Youth Who Experience Childhood Abuse. Participation is free of charge.

This Webinar will examine the phenomenon of resilience as it applies to survivors of childhood trauma – specifically child abuse and neglect. Pat Stanislaski (former Administrator, Office of Early Childhood Services, New Jersey) will offer participants the opportunity to discuss why resilience is so important, how it is influenced by factors inside and outside the home, and what factors nurture resilience in children…

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Preventing Sexual Violence in Children

I had a colleague ask me for some resources for training healthcare providers on child sexual abuse, and while this wasn’t a resource specific to her needs, it made me realize I’ve never posted it before. The American Academy of Pediatrics published a web-based sexual violence prevention program last year. There’s quite a bit of information contained in it, so it’s probably worth trolling through the different sections. They break it up into age groups, too, so you can review based on interest (e.g. if you only see adolescents and adults in your practice, there are tabs for younger and older adolescents).


Story Time @ FHO

I can already tell it’s going to be one of those weeks. Panicky phone calls, 300 hundred road miles, piles of paperwork and trial prep have sucked the humor out of my life (at least temporarily). Not to mention the 6am flight I have to look forward to tomorrow. I am, to be frank, a tad overwhelmed. So today, let’s forget about all things scientific and formal-like.  I give you, instead, a brand new podcast from my favorite storytelling site, The Moth. Steve Osborne’s a former NYPD detective, and he tells a great story about interacting with families on the job. Similar in some ways to our interactions with families; completely different in many respects. It’s only about 14 minutes long, but it’s NSFW (unless you have co-workers like mine), so pick your listening spot carefully.

If you work with cops, you know him. Maybe you don’t know this exact detective, but we all know ones just like him. I hope you enjoy it.

Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

Well, people, this is my last week of being at home for the next month. I”ve had two uninterrupted weeks with the family, but this weekend, it’s back on the road for me. Assuming that the Navy base I’ll be on allows me internet access (and you just never know), there shouldn’t be any interruption in posts next week. In the meantime, check out what’s happening over at the sustainability site:

I’m going to try and cut out a bit early today to enjoy this last day of summer break with my kiddo; there’s a wedding anniversary to celebrate tonight (you’ll have to ask Rob which number–I never get it right), and Sally’s birthday in Harrisburg this weekend. All in all, it’s shaping up to be a fantastic weekend. Hope yours will be, too. See you back here on Monday.


Generic Plan B

Monday, pharmaceutical companies can start marketing a generic version of Plan B. I hope this will increase access to emergency contraception (EC), but I am skeptical. Part of the problem is a fundamental misunderstanding of how Plan B works (or doesn’t work, for that matter). Part of the problem is the regulatory issues which won’t change just because there’s a generic version.

I’d like to think that clinicians are better informed about EC today, but I’m not sure that’s true everywhere. However, I stumbled across a pretty cool tool that can assist you in putting together a high quality presentation on this topic, should you care to provide some training to staff or colleagues.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Investigation & Litigation of Child Sex Abuse

The National Child Protection Training Center is offering a free webinar: When the Victim is Very Young: Investigation and Litigation of Child Sexual Abuse Cases. It will be held September 17th at 3pm Central and Victor Vieth will be the faculty for the session. Please note: advanced registration is required and closes September 10th. Click here to register.

I know it’s not the most clinically-focused offering I’ve put up, but I also know there are a lot of Victor Vieth fans among you. Plus it’s great info to take back to your MDTs or SARTs.


Universal Screening for IPV

The IPV world is a bit up in arms right now with the publication of JAMA’s recent study that universal screening doesn’t improve health outcomes or reduce violence. Not everyone is praising this study, and I think there are reasons to look at it critically. However, in the process of doing so, if you’d like to earn yourself a little CE credit, Medscape has an offering right now based on the article (physicians net 0.25 credits for completing the article and posttest).

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Trafficking in Persons

I don’t know how many of you read the Sunday NY Times, but this past weekend the Magazine ran a special series: Saving the World’s Women. There were a few articles that were particularly interesting, including The Women’s Crusade and an interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Not surprisingly, trafficking and gender-based violence were discussed repeatedly.

Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Blog

It’s been an insanely busy week, but a really good one. And there’s some great stuff over at the sustainability site this week. Aside from an evaluation webinar happening today over at OVC (I hope I’ll be able to share archived materials soon), you’ll also find:

  • An interesting article on boomerang recruiting that gives some food for thought
  • Information we’ve been waiting for for some time: study results from Dr. Rebecca Campbell and colleagues on the impact of SANE programs on the criminal justice system. It’s great information to add to the healthcare-related data she’s already published, to provide a well-rounded picture of why SANE programs work.

It’s going to definitely be a working weekend for me, but hopefully not for my friend Tara, who just passed her FNP boards. Considering she was sweating the exam in Oregon last week, allow me to be the first to say, “I told you so!” (oh, yeah, and congratulations…). Enjoy the fishing, Tara–you earned it.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Treating Women with Physical Disabilities

CROWD has a really terrific powerpoint on gynecological consideration in treating women with physical disabilities. I post it here because it’s a great overview of some of the exam techniques that can be useful (a consideration for those of us completing SAFE exams); challenges in identifying STIs and other GYN issues in this population; and potential red flags for physical and sexual abuse. The slides are accompanied by detailed notes, making the whole thing a great educational tool.